Media2017 Poster presentation during 6th International Neuropathic Pain Congress in Gothenburg (15-18 June), title: "Long-term effect of motor cortex stimulation in patients suffering from chronic neuropathic pain: an observational study".2017 Oral presentation and poster during 13th International Neuromodulation Society in Edinburgh (27 May-1 June), title: "Patients’ expectations on spinal cord stimulation for failed back surgery syndrome: a qualitative exploration"2017 E poster during 25th Annual meeting of ISMRM in Honolulu, Hawai (22-27 April), title: "Ex-vivo visualization of the human trigeminal pathways using 11.7T diffusion MRI and unique microscopy data"2015 Poster presentation during the 12th World Congress of the International Neuromodulation Society in Montreal Canada (6-11 June), title: Results of the expert meeting on motor cortex stimulation"2014 Oral presentation during International "Motor Cortex Stimulation Expert Meeting" in Brussel (as an initiative of the Benelux Neuromodulation Society)2013 Poster and oral presentations during the 11th World Congress of the International Neuromodulation Society in Berlin (8-13 June), titles "Motor Cortex Stimulation for Chronic Neuropathic Pain" and "Motor Cortex Stimulation in Pain Management and Quality of Life"